What is IVF process? - Sparsh IVF
Test Tube Baby Procedure [IVF], i.e., In Vitro Fertilization, is a process in which eggs and sperms are fertilized outside the body. More eggs than usual are developed in the woman's ovary. Eggs are taken out of a woman's ovary when she's unconscious by a thin needle with the help of an ultrasound machine. After being fertilized in the embryology lab and developed in the lab for 2-5 days, the eggs are implanted in the woman's uterus. The process after embryo implantation is the same as in the normal process.
1. Raising Eggs:
The entire process of IVF takes two to three weeks. This includes a doctor's consultation, check-up, re-examining reports, stimulation, collection of eggs and sperm and finally, embryo implantation in the womb after fertilization. Its success or failure is detected after a blood test or pregnancy test in the next 14 days. This technology is being adopted all over the world. Many couples do not get the happiness of children in time.
Even many types of treatment do not help them achieve pregnancy, but with the help of IVF, i.e., In Vitro Fertilization, it becomes possible. Naturally, only one egg is produced in a woman's ovary during a month, but in IVF, women are given such medicines, with the help of which more than one egg starts forming in their ovaries. During this procedure, an ultrasound of the woman is done to check the growth of eggs. More eggs are necessary for more embryos to be made from them. In the last step, the best embryos are selected and implanted.
2. Egg Removal:
Under ultrasound monitoring, a thin needle is used to collect eggs into test tubes & then deliver them to the lab. The female is sedated for 10 to 15 minutes to get the eggs out of the body. After this procedure, the woman can go to her home within a few hours.
3. Egg Fertilization:
IVF for Embryological Fertilization uses this process. In the lab, strong spermatozoa are separated from the male's semen and fertilized with the egg released from the female. After the fertilization process, the egg is placed in an incubator to split. For men with average sperm count and men who have meager sperm count (1-10 million/ml), the same procedure is adopted in which an egg is hatched, and sperm is injected inside it.

4. Embryo Development:
Embryologists keep the dividing embryo in the incubator under their supervision and watch its development from time to time. After 2-3 days, this egg is converted into an embryo of 6 to 8 cells. Out of these embryos, 1-3 embryos of good quality get selected for transplantation. In many cases, the embryos are nurtured in blastocysts for 5-6 days in the lab, increasing success chances.
5. Embryo Transplantation:
Embryologists select 1-3 good embryos from the developed embryo or blastocyst and take them to the embryo transfer catheter. The doctor inserts this catheter into the woman's uterus through a thin tube, carefully releasing those embryos into the woman's uterus under the supervision of ultrasound imaging. There is no pain in this process.
For more information contact us @ info@sparshwomenhospital.com,
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