Step 1:
This surgery starts with anesthesia being given to the person. Anesthesia is given to any person so that he/she does not feel any kind of pain during this whole process.
Step 2:
After giving anesthesia to the person, he/she is given medicines, which make his body fit for this surgery. These medicines mainly work to reduce the chances of any kind of risks.
Step 3:
Putting a cut on the abdomen - After giving medicine to a person, the doctor makes a small cut in his/her stomach. The main procedure of this surgery begins with the cutting of the abdomen.
Step 4:
Inserting the tube into the cut- After the doctor makes the cut on the stomach of the person, they put a thin tube in that cut.
Step 5:
Inserting the laparoscope- After making the tube in a small cut on the abdomen, an instrument called laparoscope is inserted into that tube. The laparoscope instrument is mainly like a telescope mounted on a camera, this camera shows a picture of the internal organs of the stomach on the computer.
Step 6:
Curing the disease- This entire process is done through a laparoscope. Doctors treat the disease by looking at the picture shown on the computer with this device. Simultaneously this surgery is done.