Blocked Fallopian Tubes causes, Blocked Fallopian Tubes symptoms, Blocked Fallopian Tubes treatment
Hydrosalpinx is composed of the terms, hydro and salpinx. Hydro implies water and salpinx implies a fallopian tube. Hence, hydrosalpinx refers to a fallopian tube that gets filled up with water/watery liquid. It ordinarily occurs if the fallopian tube gets blocked because of a physical issue or scar tissue from endometriosis or any previous medical procedure or disease, perhaps because of a past tubal pregnancy or any sexually transmitted disease.
The fallopian tubes extend from ovaries to the uterus, both on the right and the left side. If they are blocked or infected, this will affect the capacity of the egg to arrive at the uterus and meet the sperm. Studies show that hydrosalpinx blockages are available in up to 30% of tubal Infertility cases. While hydrosalpinx blockage is more normal at the end of the fallopian tube near the ovaries, it is additionally possible to exist at both ends..
Both the fallopian tubes serve as a pathway for an ovulated egg to arrive at the uterus. When an egg gets released from the ovary, the finger-like projections from the fallopian tube draw the egg inside. Nonetheless, if this pathway is blocked and filled with watery infectious liquid, as it is with hydrosalpinx, infertility may result as the egg can't travel out to the uterus.
Surgery of the hydrosalpinx, followed by IVF treatment is the most appropriate treatment for this condition. Generally, the fallopian tubes are taken out completely and sometimes, other scar tissues, adhesions and endometrial growths are also removed.
IVF achievement chances are lower when a hydrosalpinx is present. The most prescribed treatment is to have the affected tube clipped or removed first followed by the IVF treatment.