Congratulations! You are pregnant!
Hey! Listen, we are going to be parents!
Aren't these words beautiful?
Yes! But, no matter how beautiful these words are, the pregnancy journey has its share of surprises, and hence, expert care is something you can’t overlook.
This brings us to Dr Monika Sharma, among the best gynecologist in Udaipur at Sparsh Womens Hospital. The place is committed to maternal care and is known to provide the best medical care for women’s health. Moreover, if you are looking for someone who is the best in pregnancy care in Udaipur, then Dr Monika Sharma can help you.
She is an expert in the field and has more than two decades of experience in handling maternity care. Her phenomenal expertise in women's reproductive health is the result of her at-par qualification and extended presence in the field, giving her the edge in handling all sorts of pregnancy cases and contingencies possible.
Pregnancy in Each Trimester: What to expect and what not?
The pregnancy journey has three stages, which are also called the three trimesters. A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, or around nine to ten months. Each trimester lasts around 13 to 14 weeks or three months. Distinct hormonal and physiological changes characterize each trimester.
Let’s break the information trimester-wise as it will help mothers-to-be through each stage of pregnancy. After all, being aware always helps.
Disclaimer: Every pregnancy is wonderfully unique and different in its own special way. Every woman’s body handles pregnancy differently. The symptoms listed here may happen to some, or some may not experience anything. The information is based on studies and the experiences of different women during pregnancy at large. So, if you are not having the same symptoms as another mom-to-be, don’t think there is something wrong with you. To be sure, get in touch with your gynaecologist soon.
First Trimester: Let the Journey Commence
This is when a woman realizes she is pregnant and will soon be embracing motherhood. If you have missed your periods and your pregnancy test is positive, you have already sailed on your pregnancy journey. Pregnancy date counting begins on the first day of your last normal menstrual cycle, and conception occurs in week two. Basically, when you take the pregnancy test, you are already 4 to 5 weeks pregnant. Although you may not appear pregnant in the first trimester, your body is undergoing substantial changes to support your growing baby.
This is the time you will be meeting your gynaecologist for the next move. The doctor will confirm the pregnancy and check for the heartbeat of the baby through an ultrasound or a Doppler machine. She will write a blood test to determine your general health, including your nutritional levels and immunity, and based on the results, decide on further medication or supplements.
You may experience early pregnancy symptoms, including:
- Fatigue or restlessness
- Morning sickness and vomiting
- Headaches and spinning of the head
- Constipation and bloating
- Breast tenderness
- Craving for certain food
- New Dislike of certain food
How to take care of yourself in the first trimester?
The first trimester is crucial for the proper inception of pregnancy and to set the tone for the growth of the baby for a healthy pregnancy journey. The chances of missed pregnancy are quite high in the first trimester; hence, indulging in prenatal care under the guidance of your doctor is crucial. Here are some notable first trimester pregnancy care tips.
Eating healthy food is very important in general, but in pregnancy, it becomes non-negotiable for the growth of the baby. Eating a range of healthful meals, such as vegetables, meat, beans, nuts, pasteurized dairy, and fruit, can ensure that you get enough energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Add a suitable amount of folic acid to help avoid brain issues for the baby. Also, consume a lot of water. It will help you maintain the right water levels for the baby and will keep you hydrated.
Start meditating; it helps you boost your mental health as you experience a lot of changes in your body with each passing day.
Note that you may dislike a certain smell or taste, so get in touch with your OB-GYN to find a better alternative. Certain foods might not be allowed during the pregnancy; discuss them with your doctor, too.
Second Trimester: The Settling Phase Is Here
This is the time when the risk factor is minimized, and most women enjoy a comfortable time and feel settled during pregnancy. The majority of early pregnancy symptoms have already disappeared. You'll most likely feel more energized during the day and be able to sleep better at night.
Due to uterus expansion to accommodate a growing baby, you will start seeing the pregnant belly. Besides major symptoms being gone, there are certain that you might still have anyway, such as heartburn and leg cramps. Some symptoms you may have during the second trimester are:
- Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the hand (Carpal tunnel syndrome)
- A dark line from your belly button to your pubic hairline
- Darker patches on your face
- Back and pelvic pain
- Darkening Areola
- Stretch marks on your breasts, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.
By 20 weeks, you may experience the slight movement of your baby too. Some crucial screenings regarding the baby’s development also happen between weeks 18 and 22, such as an anatomy ultrasound. During this scan, many sections of the baby's body will be measured and analyzed to ensure that everything is in the right proportion and functioning fine. This is a crucial scan to root out any signs of abnormalities.
How do you take care of yourself in the Second trimester?
Eating healthy and being active is imperative for women. Drink a lot of water. Do some exercise too. Always ask your doctor before starting the exercise. Also, don't overdo anything. Continue to eat a variety of foods to ensure you're getting enough calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Finally, be happy and cheerful, have happy thoughts, and don’t forget to take your medication.
Third Trimester: The Final Countdown Begins
Great! You are at the last leg of your pregnancy journey. The third trimester ranges from 28 weeks to the birth of your child. It’s time to do some shopping for maternity wear, newborn clothes, etc. You may be feeling more tired and uncomfortable, but you have a lot to look forward to!
Get ready for those perpetual kicks of your child in your belly. You may feel uneasy sitting and getting up. The stretch marks will become more prominent at this time. This is the time if you feel anything unusual in terms of pain, fluid or discharge from the vagina, or excessive vomiting, talk to your doctor right away. During the final weeks, stay constantly in touch with your doctor for the signs that may tell you when you need to go to the hospital for the birthing process.
Some of the discomforts you experienced in your second trimester will persist. Some common third trimester pregnancy symptoms are:
- Breathing difficulty
- Heartburn
- Lower back and pelvic pain
- Frequent restroom visits
- Massive weight gain
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Swelling in your legs, fingers, face, etc
- Protruding Belly Button
How to take care of yourself in the third trimester?
Given below are some crucial third trimester pregnancy care tips:
Eating good food is mandatory. Ensure you are obtaining all the required nutrients as well as extra calories necessary for both your body and your kid. They are essential for the development of healthy bones, brains, tissues, and muscles. Keep drinking a nice amount of water every day.
Prepare yourself for the birth mentally and physically: Do meditate. Work on your breathing, as it will calm your senses and give you a sense of relaxation. With this, you may avoid stress, anxiety and frustration.
There's nothing wrong with staying active during the third trimester, but in the later weeks, you should rest for longer as you may feel exhausted easily. Don’t over-exert. Enjoy your last phase of pregnancy, and stay in touch with your doctor.
Final Thoughts,
Pregnancy is one of the best phases in the life of a woman and strengthens the bond between your partner and you. However, knowing about pregnancy care during all three trimesters is crucial, so get in touch with the right gynecologist.
Dr Monika Sharma from the Sparsh Women Hospital can be your best choice if you are looking for pregnancy care in Udaipur. What are you waiting for? Book your first appointment to get the best possible maternity care during your special journey.
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